Tag: "movies"

Upcoming Movie Releases October 2012

First of all, I apologise. My intension was to create one of these each month and I let that lapse. I hope I can keep this up this time. What I’ve Missed OK, now, if I had been posting, I would have been recommending Perks of Being a Wallflower, Paran… more »

Upcoming Movie Releases July 2012

It's that time of the month again! This is July's upcoming release list (of films I like the look of). Again, the list is in release order, some you might not of heard of, some you will. Some even I haven't heard of, but have found whilst compiling the… more »

Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages
Went to see Rock of Ages on Saturday night with Matthew, my brother Russell and his girlfriend Amanda. I think it is safe to say we all loved this film. At one point me and Matthew were crying with laughter over the Russell Brand and Alec Baldwin storyl… more »

Upcoming Movie Releases June 2012

I thought I would take a little time to note the films I am looking forward to in the next month or so. I was going to do the next six months to the end of the year, but there are just too many! Hopefully I will be able to see them all, but sometimes it… more »

CoolManchester's greatest ever Christmas Movies

So now we have out Christmas playlist set up. What movies do we watch on TV this Christmas? There are certain films that have to be watched to make Christmas even more Christmassier [is that a word???] Here are my top five Christmas Movies 5.… more »
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