CoolManchester's greatest ever Christmas Movies

So now we have out Christmas playlist set up. What movies do we watch on TV this Christmas?

There are certain films that have to be watched to make Christmas even more Christmassier [is that a word???]

Here are my top five Christmas Movies

5. The Muppet Christmas Carol

There are several very good versions of this story with performances from Alistair Simm, Bill Murray and Albert Finney but Michael's Caine's Scrooge is definitely my favourite version as he plays it perfectly straight amongst all those Muppets.

However, if you still has this film on VHS video - keep hold of it. The DVD is inexplicably heavily edited!

4. Meet Me in St Louis

Everybody knows Judy Garland for her Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, but I have a soft spot for Judy in this musical. It has great songs and an ending full of Christmassy goodness!

It's worth seeing for the most adorable crying little girl you will ever see :)

3. Miracle on 34th Street [1947 version]

Father Christmas in court? A little girl who doesn't believe? Shopping??? This film has so many things going for it and when it comes to certain films you just can't beat the originals. [For those of you who have difficulty seeing things in Black and White, there is now a colourised version...]

2. Love Actually

Hugh Grant as Prime Minister at Christmas. That's all you need to know!

1. It's A Wonderful Life

I know the world "ultimate" gets seriously overused, but to me this is the ultimate Christmas movie. Its simply perfect in every way - from the chemistry between Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed, Clarence the Angel, Annie saving up for a divorce in case she ever gets a husband and the most uplifting life affirming ending that a movie has ever seen. If you only ever get to see one film at Christmas, it HAS to be this one!

So they are my top five movies for Christmas, but there are so many other great ones. Honorable mentions also go to Home Alone, The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe, Gremlins and Scrooged.

What are your favourite Christmas films? Do you agree with my top five? Let me know :D

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