Tag: "pwl"

Retrochart - August 1989 - Good Times!

This was the last summer of 1989 and as a child I remember it being a very good one. My memories of the year were being in Mallorca and bugging every DJ in every bar to play something by Kylie! Then there was the Hitman Roadshow! Everything that was… more »

Retrochart - April 1999

April 1999, what was happening? According to Wikipedia, it was some very dark times and not much fun to be had: Two Libyans suspected of bringing down Pan Am flight 103 in 1988 are handed over to Scottish authorities for eventual trial in the Netherlan… more »

Retrochart - March 1989

Retrochart - March 1989
So what was going on this time 24 years ago? Not much according to Wikipedia:   March 20 – Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke weeps on national television as he admits marital infidelity. March 22 Clint Malarchuk of the NHL Buffalo Sabres suffe… more »
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