It amazes me sometimes how many young people are involved in these things. Mum enjoys a good band, and so do I when they are walking passed, couldn't do with them being there all the time.

This was meant to be the "float" for the Bury Lions.. to me a float involves movement and some form of entertainment, not people sat on a table waving.

I just missed it here, but "driving" the car was Prince William, with the Queen in the passenger seat and Princes Phillip and Harry in the back.Someone had stuck the masks used for the recent Jubilee to the seats of the car

The big dog here had a white walking stick

A marching brass band. In years passed, the bands involved in the carnival used to be very spread out. They now seem to be every 3/4 groups

These may look like cheerleaders, but apparently they were morris dancers.. They didn't do much morrising that I saw.

An old bus. Not much can be said about this. I think it was advertising the Bury Transport Museum, as I cannot understand any other reason for a Salford City Transport bus to be part of the Bury Parade

Street Shakers "Cheerleaders" Dance

For those not in the know, "The Shakers" is the nickname of Bury football club. I'm not sure if these are anything to do with the club, but they should be with a name like that.They do move, I tried to get a couple of shots to show their "routine"

They do move, I tried to get a couple of shots to show their "routine"

I think the flags were meant to show the diversity of the Bury inhabitants. Still not sure where the "street" part of this comes in (other than them walking down one)

A Pipe and Drum band. Again mum likes these, but I prefer them to be walking away from me than towards

Trying to get a better shot, not sure if I succeeded.

A picture trying to catch the little boy drumming along with everyone, he was cute. As you can see, this is the Oldham Scottish Pipe Band - it doesn't seem like Bury has much of a Scottish music scene... I was left wondering if these guys got confused with the Manchester Carnival that was happening on the same day

Where these meant to be in the Parade? I'm not so sure.. they could have done some tricks for us. I think they just took advantage of the empty roads :)

This is another brass band, if I remember rightly, this was the Milnrow band? I may be wrong, however they were very good.

Not much I can say about this, it is a big cannon. There was a bloke next to us telling a story to his (I assume) son about how they fire the cannon, take it apart, put it back together again and fire it... apparently called the "cannon run".. I'm not sure if this is accurate

You may notice there isn't a theme or anything to the Bury Carnival Parade, it is very random... This is one of the most random I saw.

A very big army truck that moments after this picture went down the Rock! This is a pedestrianised section of Bury... I hope the drains are ok after that.

A dog waving from the Mountain Rescue Ambulance