Tag: "manchester"

October 1997 was TWENTY YEARS AGO!

[image:292] I know that headline is hardly a shock, it's simple Maths, but to me it seems like a few years ago at most! Historically in the UK not much was happening.  Obviously,  too much had already happened in the previous month and after all the… more »

2013 in review - The Best (and Worst) Movies of the Year by @Bluejovanka

First of all, sorry this list is so late in the year, but 2013 was one of the better years in film. I did consider a top five list, but there were too many to choose from and doing a top twenty list may have been rather excessive!   Before the good stuf… more »

The Oast House and other sites around Manchester

The Oast House and other sites around Manchester
This is the singer we saw on Market Street. If you know his name, please let us know.
On Saturday May 19th myself and Matthew (bluejovanka) decided to go off in to town as it was such a nice day. I say we decided, I wanted to go out, and decided we would go to town, Matthew agreed shortly afterwards. When visiting Manchester, we always… more »

Pride Parade 1……

Pride Parade 1……
Last Saturday was the annual Pride Parade through the city. It is one of the highlights of the BIG WEEKEND and a chance for the ordinary people in the city to take part in the fun. Apparently Mr Joe Public from Moston or Prestwich doesn’t climb into… more »

Elizabeth House, St Peter's Square

I've long since wondered what is going on with this building, and thanks to a good friend of mine, I now know. It's being demolished! Manchester is a great example of beautiful architectural design, but this isn't one of them. I've been passed it a few… more »
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