2013 in review - The Best (and Worst) Movies of the Year by @Bluejovanka

2013 in review - The Best (and Worst) Movies of the Year by @Bluejovanka

First of all, sorry this list is so late in the year, but 2013 was one of the better years in film. I did consider a top five list, but there were too many to choose from and doing a top twenty list may have been rather excessive!


Before the good stuff though, I thought I'd choose the three worst films. Like the worst songs of the year, these were not hard decisions!

 3. Man of Steel

I have serious issue with this film but not because it's a bad film. It was just incredibly disappointing. The original Richard Donner movie is a work of art, it had bags of humour and chemistry between the leads. None of this was here, it was just way too serious and dull. Here's hoping that the planned sequal is a big improvement.

2. Crystal Fairy & The Magical Cactus

I don't like slating indie films because they don't have the budget and production values that larger studios can offer, but this film just gave me a headache. I mean, seriously, what the hell was going on???

1. The Big Wedding

This film has Robert De Niro, Susan Sarandon and Diane Keaton. What could go wrong? Everything it seems! The whole cast just seemed to be embarrased about being involved - apart from De Niro who was overracting so much I though he was going to do "jazz hands" towards the "hilarious" finale. 

Ok, that was the bad ones. Let's turn things around now and look at the best:

10.  Despicable Me 2

Absolutely hilarious! That's all I have to say, just go and watch this film and laugh your lungs out.

9. Anchorman 2

The sequal to the original had a lot to live up to and, while it wasn't as sharp or satirical as the first one, there are plenty of laughs and inspired cameos to make this film a huge pleasure to watch.

8.  The Heat

Another great comedy film. 2013 was definitely the year of Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy is always brilliant. Not only was this film funny, it also had a good story. I really hope they all team up again for a sequal or three.

7.  Sunshine On Leith

Dexter Fletcher directing a musical based on songs by The Proclaimers? Not the most obvious idea for a movie but it works excellently. The cast are wonderful, the scenery of Edinburgh is just beautiful and the songs work faultlessly. There's really only one word to best describe this film - JOYOUS. 

6.  About Time

If any film was going to be divisive I never expected it to be this one. The film was slated by a lot of people and I really do not understand why. It's truly captivating, delightful and enchanting. Just ignore the "sci fi" element to the film and just enjoy the beautiful love story. If you don't believe me though, this is what Joe [@jrawly] thought:


5. Pacific Rim

This film was brought to you by the same studio that brought you Man Of Steel and has everything that should have been in the Superman  movie. It was funny, had characters you end up caring about and some eye popping 3D effects. A sequal is being planned. With any luck there will be a lot of mileage in this franchise.

4. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Cineworld really hammered the advertising of this film to the point of me almost not wanting to see it. Thankfully though Joe and I saw the film at a "secret preview" and it ended up being the nicest surprise of the year. Visually stunning with a lovely heart to it. Beautiful.

3.  Gravity

Most of the time when films are hyped up to the level Gravity has been over the last few months, it means that the film will ultimately be a huge disappointment (Man of Steel). However, Gravity completely lives up to all the hype and, thanks to the stunning sounds and visual effects, is more than just a movie - it's a fully immersive experience. Sandra Bullock is outstanding in the lead role, especially when you consider the actual "gravity" of the task she has been given as an actress. I saw the film at Cinewords "D Box" (http://www.d-box.com/) and it honesty incredible.

2. Saving Mr Banks

A Disney film about the origins of another Disney film doesn't sound that interesting, but Saving Mr Banks was sheer bliss thanks to a brilliant performance by Emma Thompson. I really think this was some of the best acting I have ever seen by a single person. As well as this Tom Hanks makes you believe he is Walt Disney. Seeing the story behind the book adds another level to the Mary Poppins movie. If I was in charge, I would just hand every Academy Award, Golden Globe and BAFTA to Emma Thomson now and not bother with any other nominees.

1. Frozen

Since the release of Toy Story 3, Pixar have had a few misfires and seem to be obsessed sequals and prequals. During this time, Disney's own animation studios have been going from strength to strength with The Princess and The Frog, Tangled, Wreck it Ralph and now Frozen - one of the best movies ever to have the Disney name on it.

Based on the classic Snow Queen, the film follows the relationship of two sisters, one with rather dangerous powers. During the film we hear some amazing songs written by some of the team behind the brilliant Avenue Q and some very impressive animation. When these two things work together well is during the "Let It Go" sequence and the whole thing is dazzling.

The studio was very clever advertising the film throughout the year while at the same time not giving much away about it. It obviously worked for them as Frozen is already the most successful Disney cinema release of all time. An accolade that is fully deserved. 

So they are my choices, do you agree? Have your say in the comments section.


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