Tag: "eurovision"

The best of the losers from the past eleven semi finals of Eurovision

The best of the losers from the past eleven semi finals of Eurovision
It's that time of year again... Eurovision! The Semi-Finals are in their 12th year this time, so that means that we have 11 years of them to go through! So I thought that I would go through the songs that didn't make it to the final, but that I think sh… more »

Eurovision Song Contest Rule Changes

Eurovision Song Contest Rule Changes
From http://www.eurovision.tv this is the logo for the UK and the Eurovision Song Contest
So, back in May, the Eurovision organisers commented on the voting complaints for the 2012 contest, last week Bonnie Tyler apparently overheard Russian's asking where their paid for points were. This week, the Eurovision rules have been tightened to hop… more »

Retrochart - June 1995 - The start of a long hot summer :)

  This week's nice weather has made me want to look back at the warmest summer I can remember -  1995! These were the movies released at the cinema in June 1995: The Bridges of Madison County Fluke Congo Smoke Batman Forever Pocahontas Apollo 1… more »

Bluejovanka's Top Five Eurovision Songs

This week here at CoolManchester HQ we have caught a massive dose of Eurovision Fever Joe blogged a few weeks ago about his thoughts on the last decade of Eurovision, today I want to share my favourite songs from the great song contest!   5.     more »

Joe's Favourite Songs from the last 10 Eurovision Song Contests

Joe's Favourite Songs from the last 10 Eurovision Song Contests
Eurovision is just around the corner. Me and Matthew are already starting to plan our Eurovision Party. This year, with the semis on the 14th and 16th, the final falls on May 18th, which is the birthday of one of our friends. I thought it would be fun… more »
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