Joe's Favourite Songs from the last 10 Eurovision Song Contests

Joe's Favourite Songs from the last 10 Eurovision Song Contests

Eurovision is just around the corner. Me and Matthew are already starting to plan our Eurovision Party.

This year, with the semis on the 14th and 16th, the final falls on May 18th, which is the birthday of one of our friends.

I thought it would be fun to take a look at the last 10 years (including this one), and pick my favourite from each year. I'm not the greatest lover of music, so this will be difficult, but, it will be a little fun.

So, starting with 2003, I don't think I could pick any other than "Let's Get Happy". Probably not an obvious choice for people that know me, but I have been re-listening to the songs that year, and it is the only one that I really remember. It was the German entry that year.

From 2004, this was the first contest that I saw with Matthew, we got together this year. I honestly don't remember these songs much, even listening to them again now. I do remember making a list of countries we wouldn't be visiting as they didn't give us any points! I've picked a song that does sound a bit familiar, and it looked quite good in the recap. Ruslana with Wild Dance, I'm sure you remember it too!

2005 is a difficult one. Some weird and wonderful songs, including Latvia signing their song as they sing it. At least I assume that was what they were doing, as I can't read sign language! I've gone with Russia's entry this year. The song was one I wanted to listen to when I was checking out the recap. Natalia Podolskaya with Nobody hurt no one. The video I have chose is obviously from UK television as you can hear Sir Terry doing a little commentary!

2006 brought the god awful Daz Sampson. What the hell was the UK public thinking? And you wonder why they don't have a vote anymore?? The song I have picked is my favourite of the whole 10 years! Lordi with Hard Rock Hallelujah. I picked this on the night, and everyone there that night thought I was mad.. but it went on to win. A few years later, the people of Finland were apparently in uproar when a newspaper unmasked the band!

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