Tag: "music"

2013 in review - The Best (and Worst) Singles of the Year by Bluejovanka

    Musically 2013 has been one of the better years for music, especially pop and dance and choosing the best tracks of the year was actually much harder than I expected but I've had a great time listening and choosing! Before the good stuff, I thought… more »

David Hoyle Interview with Andy Barclay

David Hoyle Interview with Andy Barclay
David Hoyle Interview   Hello David, how are you doing today? Am Ok, just Glad Spring Coming-on & Leaving Winter Behind! In The Psychiatrist, you play a character called 'Dr Rosenburg', without giving too much of the game away, what is it about… more »

My ipod

Yes, it happened.... I have been won over by itunes. After getting my ipod earlier this year I'm now hooked. The thing i like the most about it is the way it keeps statistical information on the amount of plays each track has As I've not been that well… more »
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