My ipod

Yes, it happened.... I have been won over by itunes. After getting my ipod earlier this year I'm now hooked. The thing i like the most about it is the way it keeps statistical information on the amount of plays each track has.

As I've not been that well recently I decided one morning to export all the info onto a spreadsheet and play with all the info [I know! How geeky!] Now I have seemed to have a definitive list on my favourite musical artists based on the amount of plays each of them have received. The top ten is below:

1 Kylie Minogue
2 Madonna
3 Michael Jackson
4 Glee Cast
5 Beatles
6 Bananarama
7 Dusty Springfield
9 McFly
10 Meat Loaf

Now the people who know me will not be surprised by that list at all, but I was surprised how Glee was so high on the list. Then I realised that since the beginning of last year they had released around 160 different tracks! I think I'll try this again in a few months to see if any of these ten change.

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