Tag: "film releases"

Upcoming Movie Releases October 2012

First of all, I apologise. My intension was to create one of these each month and I let that lapse. I hope I can keep this up this time. What I’ve Missed OK, now, if I had been posting, I would have been recommending Perks of Being a Wallflower, Paran… more »

Upcoming Movie Releases July 2012

It's that time of the month again! This is July's upcoming release list (of films I like the look of). Again, the list is in release order, some you might not of heard of, some you will. Some even I haven't heard of, but have found whilst compiling the… more »

Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages
Went to see Rock of Ages on Saturday night with Matthew, my brother Russell and his girlfriend Amanda. I think it is safe to say we all loved this film. At one point me and Matthew were crying with laughter over the Russell Brand and Alec Baldwin storyl… more »

Upcoming Movie Releases June 2012

I thought I would take a little time to note the films I am looking forward to in the next month or so. I was going to do the next six months to the end of the year, but there are just too many! Hopefully I will be able to see them all, but sometimes it… more »
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