Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages

I went to see Rock of Ages on Saturday night with Matthew, my brother Russell and his girlfriend Amanda. I think it is safe to say we all loved this film. At one point me and Matthew were crying with laughter over the Russell Brand and Alec Baldwin storyline - I honest never thought I would say I was laughing at Russell Brand!

This is a musical and they do start singing seemingly at random, but if you are paying attention you can see these coming up, some of the songs are quite obvious and others I don't think you will be expecting. As with most films there is a twist, two infact, and I'm not going to spoil that for you here, but I think they were brilliant and definitely a surprise.

I love "Hairspray" and Matthew thought I wouldn't like this musical as it wasn't that (am I like that?) however I loved it from start (when I had Matthew leaning over saying a song hadn't been released for 2 years after the date the film is set in) to the end when all the stories come together to have a happy rocky ending.

I would definitely recommend this film to anyone and will definitely be buying it on Blu-ray when it is released. Go and see it!

My Score: 10/10

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