Manchester Pride Grant Boost for 45 Community Groups


With just eight weeks until Manchester Pride 2012, the World famous LGBT fundraising festival has unveiled how the £105,000 raised last year has been spent.
Forty five LGBT community and charity groups received funding ranging from £500 to £10,000 which will provide a much needed financial boost to their activities.

Recipients included:
Barnardo’s: todeliver activity based sessions for young people both living with and affected by HIV. The sessions provide young people with the opportunity to access activities that help them to build their confidence and self esteem, use group-work skills and to try something new and fun.

Manchester Parents’ Group:a voluntary organisation which supports families and friends of lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. Volunteers have accepted their children’s sexuality and want to help other parents do the same.

Transforum Manchester: a Transgender discussion group and peer support forum for all transgendered people and those questioning their gender. Although based in Manchester, members travel from all over the North West and beyond.

Beyond the Rainbow: open to people who identify as BME and either lesbian, gay or bisexual, the group also welcomes those who are questioning their sexuality and wish to explore this further, or who want advice on coming out, are new to the area, or who would like to meet people in similar situation.

People Like Us Stockport: a social group for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people in the Stockport area who run events including and exercise group, regular walks and theatre and cinema trips.

LIK:T: a Young Women’s Peer Health Project, run by and for young lesbian and bisexual women, working to improve health through project across six areas of wellness: physical; emotional; intellectual; spiritual; occupational and social.

Out in the City: a friendly social and support group for over 50s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Manchester, meeting every Thursday for various activities, including day trips, meals, art projects and walks.

A panel comprising Manchester Pride trustees, patrons and external advisers evaluated all applications for funding before deciding on 45 organisations that would be supported by fundraising from the 2011 Manchester Pride festival. Fast track grants are small grants awarded to support groups with core running costs and one-off purchases. Development grants are larger and groups were selected against a criteria of supporting either young people or volunteering.

“Our unique, ten day festival stages a huge variety of entertainment whilst also raising money for local LGBT causes,” said Vicken Couligian, Manchester Pride Chair. “At a time when community groups and charities are under huge financial pressures, we are delighted to be in a position to offer a helping hand to 44 and wish them all every success for the future.

Denise McDowall of Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit said, “It is increasingly difficult to secure the proper funding needed to do the work that’s needed to achieve positive outcomes for lesbians and gay men who have suffered human rights abuses as a result of their sexuality. Funding from Pride helps us to continue doing this essential work.”

Applications for Manchester Pride’s 2012 funding will open in November with three options available to eligible organisations. Development Grants are available to larger projects that meet certain criteria or priorities agreed by Manchester Pride. Fast Track Community Grants are designed for community groups, charities and other organisations to apply for funding to support their general activities and the Fringe Event Fund is designed to improve the quality and diversity of events staged during Manchester Pride Fringe Festival.

In addition to this funding, half of the money raised by Manchester Pride goes to two long term commitments, namely the Lesbian and Gay Foundation’s free condom and lube scheme and the George House Trust’s HIV Welfare Fund which each received £24,500.

Early bird discount tickets available for Manchester Pride’s Big Weekend until Monday 8 July.

Tickets for the Big Weekend are available from or by calling 0871 230 3450. Tickets are subject to booking fees.

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