Tag: "homophobia"

Matthew's Moans 24th February 2014: Is it the "Official Moronic Homophobe Day" today?

It is 2014 isn't it? I find it very hard to believe that this sort of behaviour still goes on. more »

Time to vent - Here Are My Current Top 5 Peeves

Its good to vent every now and then, time to make the most of CoolManchester's "General rants!" function Here are the five things that have been annoying the damned heck (!) out of me recently: 5. Manchester's Metrolink more »

Coalition For EQUAL Marriage - Don't Let Bigotry Stop Two People In Love Getting Married

Today is the day when The Catholic Church are stepping up their campaign against gay marriage http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-17329902 I'm not going to get into a debate about my issues with the Catholic Church's "morals", but I urge you to… more »
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