Time to vent - Here Are My Current Top 5 Peeves

Its good to vent every now and then, time to make the most of CoolManchester's "General rants!" function Here are the five things that have been annoying the damned heck (!) out of me recently... (all opinions are mine and mine alone, please do not sue me!)

5. Manchester's Metrolink

A lot of you are probably aware of my feelings about this service from this blog: Manchester Metrolink - Paying more for an Inferior Service

Since then there has been no improvement and the trams seem to be much slower. Yesterday what was usually twenty minute ride took nearly and hour as the driver had to stop several times along the way with no explanation. Has anyone got a reason for this? Every time I checked the service updates on the Metrolink website I kept seeing "normal services"

It would be easy to stop using them, but if anyone can tell me a more affective way of getting into the city centre I'd be happy to know :)

4. The Daily Mail

Has there ever been a more hateful publication than this one? Its just SO bitter all the time and always looking out to blame minorities for everything that is wrong in society... gays, immigrants (both illegal and legal) and Women have all been victimised. Its always so easy to blame others without looking at your own issues.

If you want to see an account of an average Daily Mail reader, please follow @avgmailreader on Twitter - he's hilarious if I do say so myself!

3. Chris Brown

I won't mince my words here, the man is a REPREHENSIBLE human being. Not only did he beat a woman black and blue until she was hospitalised, he also shows no remorse for it and loses his temper whenever someone raises the issue with him. As well as this he has a habit of calling people "fags" on Twitter and then denying he is a homophobe.

The scary thing about him is how successful he is, nearly all pop radio stations heavily playlist him and his fans blindly support him. I read a fan once say that Rihanna was "no angel" to justify his behaviour!

It's so sad that there are young girls out there who see him as "well fit" and overlook what he has done. I sincerely hope no girl accepts behaviour like his from their boyfriends.

2. The Church of England

This week the C of E came out against equal marriage stating it would "alter the intrinsic nature of marriage as the union of a man and a woman, as enshrined in human institutions throughout history".

To me this is the Church expressing its fear of change and the unknown. Coronation Street is an "institution", but even that has had to move with the times!

Bear in mind that no one is forcing the Church to carry out "gay marriages" either, the church is just unhappy about their existence. I don't want to call them homophobes but if something looks like a tree, sounds like a tree and smells like a tree, the chances are that it probabaly IS a tree...

To me, what makes it all just seem so very hypocritical is that the entire Church was set up so that a mysogenistic King could divorce his wife.... marriage is obviously a very sacred institution!

1. Manners

Is it just me or have people in recent years become ruder? From inside shops, to on the street and on the roads when driving, people seem to be so angry all the time for no reason.

I don't want to sound like an old biddie but this is defintely something that has started to annoy me. Why are so many people walking around with a sense of entlitlement? The world owes you nothing!

I wouldn't dream of talking rubbish to someone I didn't even know.


.......and breathe! It always feels so much better after having a moan :) Do you agree with my rants? Are you against Equal Marriage? Do you think I'm being harsh on Chris Brown? Get in touch, I feel like having a good debate!

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