The Oast House and other sites around Manchester

The Oast House and other sites around Manchester
This is the singer we saw on Market Street. If you know his name, please let us know.

On Saturday May 19th myself and Matthew (bluejovanka) decided to go off in to town as it was such a nice day. I say we decided, I wanted to go out, and decided we would go to town, Matthew agreed shortly afterwards.

When visiting Manchester, we always try to arrive after 4pm on weekdays or just go on a weekend. This is so we can take advantage of the cheap car parking at the University Car Park on Charles Street. £2 from 4pm until midnight on weekdays and £2 all day Saturday/Sunday. I would call this a bargain where free parking is unavailable (most place in Manchester thanks to the money grabbing council).

Matthew is obsessed with music as you may be able to tell from his frequent Retro Charts, so our first stops were the new music shop on Market Street, HMV and FOPP. After leaving FOPP, we heard someone singing and were drawn to it. We were very impressed with this guy, and unfortunately have forgotten his name, if anyone knows it, please do contact us and let us know. He is the one in the picture at the top of this post, and there is another further down.

After wandering around a little while, we came upon St Anne's Square who seem to be having another of their regular events. This time it seems to be a Tunisian special. I was intrigued by this tent which seemed to be destined to become a dining establishment. Unfortunately, I can't see Matthew wanting to dine in there. At this point we were getting a little hungry so started floating towards Spinningfields which is near to the Opera House theatre. We decided to dine at The Oast House (there's that 'we' again), as we had discovered this by accident a couple of weeks before when we went to see the travesty of a 'musical' that was showing. I can honestly say, the food here was excellent. The chips are on the menu as "perfectly seasoned" and they are. Matthew went for a burger, and I opted for the 1/2 chicken - you can see the pictures below.

After dining on our exquisite food, we decided it was time to go home, and as I was walking back to the car park, I decided to have a play with my camera and use the Panoramic option to take a picture of Sackville Park (Whitworth Gardens is it's real name apparently) including Alan Turing and the college. It's the first time I've really used this feature on my phone and I quite like it, I might be using it more.

The Oast House and other sites around Manchester
This is another picture of the Market Street Singer.
The Oast House and other sites around Manchester
The intriguing tent in St Anne's Square. Have you dined here? Let us know
The Oast House and other sites around Manchester
This is the chicken and chips from the Oast House that I had. These are the best chips I have ever tasted. Please go there and try them.
The Oast House and other sites around Manchester
This is Matthew's burger from the Oast House. He loved it.
The Oast House and other sites around Manchester
I decided to play with my phone to take this picture. I quite like it.

We don't get out to Manchester centre as much as we should as we normally don't like the experience, but there are some things I have mentioned here that made it enjoyable instead of an ordeal as it usually is.

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