Tag: "retrochart"

October 1997 was TWENTY YEARS AGO!

[image:292] I know that headline is hardly a shock, it's simple Maths, but to me it seems like a few years ago at most! Historically in the UK not much was happening.  Obviously,  too much had already happened in the previous month and after all the… more »

Retrochart - March 1989

Retrochart - March 1989
So what was going on this time 24 years ago? Not much according to Wikipedia:   March 20 – Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke weeps on national television as he admits marital infidelity. March 22 Clint Malarchuk of the NHL Buffalo Sabres suffe… more »

The month's retrochart - May 1996: Eurovision, Football and Doctor Who The Movie!

First of all, sorry for not being on here that much the last couple of months, people who know me will know why, but I'm going to do my best now to make up for it :) So, the month of May will always mean one thing to me.... EUROVISION!! I'll be sh… more »

2003: This months Retrochart - MOVE YOUR FEET

I will always look at 2003 with great affection, it was a ridiculously eventful year for me with ups and downs but I won't bore you with my personal life on here! The chart this week in that year was a very interesting one: 1 Tatu All The Things… more »

This month's retrochart - 1998 - my year abroad

  For the vast majority of 1998 I was living In France, but I still followed the UK Top 40 on this new thing called the internet, so every Sunday evening I went to the local internet cafe at the Dijon train station and made sure I knew what was going o… more »
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