Time to start reviewing 2011... The Best [and Worst] Movies of the Year

So there are less than four days left in 2011, its been an "eventful" year to say the least - but not especially in the world of movies. Its been a bit of a mixed bag of comedies that failed to hit the mark, unnecessary sequels and even more unnecessary remakes. Not really what I personally would call a classic year.

Don't get me wrong, there are have been some great films along the way. Here are my five absolute favourites:

5. Source Code

Source Code was one of the few great Sci Fi movies of the year. Jake Gyllenhaal had his work cut out to please me when I went to see this one as I had just seen Love and Other Drugs and genuinely hated it [more on that story later]. So here's the premise, a man wakes up on a train and 8 minutes later a bomb goes off... I don't want to tell you much more than that because I didn't know much more than that when I went to see it and was blown away by all the twists and turns in this action thriller.

Steven Moffat said it best though when he said "wibbly wobbly timey wimey"...

4. X Men: First Class

Let me first say that I'm not a big fan of X Men movies, I appreciate the production values, effects and all that but I just found the original trilogy self important and dull... sorry about that but its true. I am however a huge fan of Kick-Ass, so when a movie comes out from the same director and writing team I would want to see it. I'm SO glad I did!

First Class is another reboot/origins movie pretty much like Batman Begins enabling a struggling movie franchise to wipe the slate clean and start again, even the least cynical movie goer would pretty much realise that. Doing this though has made the X Men franchise more interesting as we learn much more about how the "mutants" gained their powers/abilities and as a result the characters are much more accessible and likeable. In particular Magnito played by the brilliant Michael Fassbender is a much more interesting character.

3. Hugo

Now, this film was VERY special! If you love movies as an art form as well as a piece of entertainment then this movie is definitely a must see. The 3D effects were by far and away the best I have ever seen and as a result it completely pulls you in to the overall experience.

As well as this, there are also some wonderful performances from all involved including Chloe Grace Moretz who was stunning in last year's "Kick Ass". If there are move child actors around like the one in this one, then the future of movie making will be in very safe hands.

2. 50/50

Telling people about this film was rather difficult so I'll quote the great WIKIPEDIA:

"50/50 is a 2011 comedy-drama film directed by Jonathan Levine, written by Will Reiser, and starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen. The film is loosely based on the life of screenwriter Will Reiser."

Hmmm..... that probably doesn't help either!

OK, let's not skirt around the issue. This film is a comedy about cancer. Now can you understand why it was difficult trying to explain the film to others?

The subject matter however is brilliantly handled, with the source of the comedy coming from other people's behaviour around the victim, rather than the illness itself.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt gives the performance of his career so far and the rest of the cast support him brilliantly.

1. Bridesmaids

I don't think I have been so enthused about a film like this in a long time. All the critics are spot on about this one, its BLOODY BRILLIANT! One thing that has been missing from the films released this year is a comedy that is genuinely funny all the way through, thinking about it the last film to make me laugh all the way through was Date Night 12 months earlier and Bridesmaids is even funnier.

The best thing about the film is the film's star and co-writer Kristen Wiig, she's pretty well known in the US for brilliant performances on Saturday Night Live and this year's Paul. She is truly stunning in this film and gives one of the best comedic performances in a movie I have EVER seen. To see how good she is all you need to do is watch a scene in the film where she is given a sugared almond to eat, it’s hilarious!

There are many, many, many other things to rave about with this film including the film's male lead Chris O'Dowd, US Air Marshalls,Wilson Phillips, puppies and a crisp white bridal shop! I don't think its possible for a film to be completely faultless but this film comes very, very close indeed!

and now for the stinkers......

3. Love and Other Drugs

First of all, I need to say that I do not hate "Rom Coms". I just hate the really bad, corny ones that use the same cliches in order to move the story along. There have been loads of them this year but Love and Other Drugs is by far the worst of them.

This could have been a great film, the two lead stars are very good actors and the subject matter is one that has rarely been touched in movies. It starts very well, Anne Hathaway is edgy and Jake shows his bottom... but then an hour in things go downhill very very fast. It is as though the scriptwriter gave up and delivered the same old plot from a thousand other Rom Coms. Maybe I'm being too harsh on this film? But after it started so well the audience can't feel anything else but betrayal.

2. The Green Lantern

This film is just too silly for words... I have no more to say on the subject

1. Johnny English Reborn

Look at that traier! Isn't it funny? Do yourself a favour and just watch that and not the movie as ALL the funny bits are in that 150 second clip.

Rowan, what were you thinking? You were in Not The Nine O'Clock News and Blackadder. This is so far beneath you! This film is so bad it makes me want to cry [I may or may not be exaggerating there!]

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