Category: "Doctor Who"

There are still plenty of reasons to be cheerful right now.

Summer is nearly over, but let's not lament about the end of the season. There are still plenty of reasons to be cheerful right now. Here are just a few of things that are putting a smile on my face right now... 1. The prolonged period of roadworks in M… more »

Missing Doctor Who Episodes Found? Christmas may have come early!

BBC to reveal a number of missing Doctor Who episodes Could it be true? Could it??? One of the most frustrating things about being a Doctor Who fan is the knowledge that over 106 episodes of the… more »

Peter Capaldi is The Doctor: Five Reasons Why I'm Very Pleased

Back in June Matt Smith, the Eleventh Doctor, announced his resignation after four years. At the time I was disappointed as I genuinely believe he has been the best Doctor since the series came back. However, as a lifelong Doctor Who fan I understand th… more »

Doctor Who - The Bells of St John

Why Angels Take Manhattan is One of Doctor Who's Greatest Ever Moments *Contains Spoilers*

So that's it then, Amy and Rory have left the Doctor never to return again and their final episode was one of the greatest in recent Doctor Who history The whole episode was a joy to watch from beginning to end with it's dark film noir style perfectl… more »
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