Peter Capaldi is The Doctor: Five Reasons Why I'm Very Pleased

Back in June Matt Smith, the Eleventh Doctor, announced his resignation after four years. At the time I was disappointed as I genuinely believe he has been the best Doctor since the series came back. However, as a lifelong Doctor Who fan I understand that no actor really wants to stay in the role forever as it can be physically demanding and limit the actor from playing any other roles.

Part of the excitement of the show though, is the transition period between Doctors, starting with the speculation on who the next actor or actress is going to be. This time around there were some weird and wonderful names like Dawn French, Dominic Cooper, Ben Wishaw and even Billie Piper being speculated about in the press until the bookies suspended bets as they had become almost certain who the actor was going to be.

Peter Capaldi "almost certainly" new Doctor, say bookies

For a change, it looks like they were right this time!

Peter Capaldi is The Doctor: Five Reasons Why I'm Very Pleased

To me, this is a very bold decision, when I saw Peter Capaldi's name being mentioned on these bookies lists I thought to myself that would be a great idea but for some reason I just didn't see it happening as the actor is so different from anyone that has gone before him.

I know I should only really judge him when I have seen some episodes with him as The Doctor, but when the announcement was made by Zoe Ball on Sunday night I have to admit I did let out a bit of a scream of pleasure.

I am just so very, very happy with this decision and here are the reasons why:

1. He's a great actor Take a look as his CV [], he has been in so many great things and he is never less than great im them. Notably four series of the intensly funny "The Thick of It", the surreal and magnificent "Neverwhere" and a very good guest appearance with David Tennant and Catherine Tate in the excellent "Fires of Pompeii"

On the subject of him being in Doctor Who and Torchwood before, people really shouldn't make and issue of it. Doctors and assistants have been appearing in the show as guests before their main roles from as early as 1965 when Peter Purvis played an American tourist only a couple of episodes before he played Stephen. After this, Harry, Martha, Gwen Cooper and Amy have done the same thing. The best example of this was Colin Baker turning up as a bit of a bastard in the Fifth Doctor's "Ark Of Infinity."

2. He's an older gent

I know the actor's age shouldn't make a difference as the timelord is over 1,000 years old and has taken on many appearances, but I think with him being played by an older man this time there will be less speculation about any sexual tension between himself and a the attractive young assistant. I was never comfortable with The Doctor snogging every companion!

3. He's a lifelong Doctor Who fan

This article in today's Independant backs up my point:

'After news that Peter Capaldi was chosen as the new Doctor yesterday, it has emerged that the Thick of It star has been a fan of the show for over forty years.

The actor, 55, wrote an enthusiastic letter to Radio Times magazine aged 15 in praise of the show. In a letter entitled ‘Dalek-builders’ he said:

“May I congratulate you on your excellent Dr Who Special. The articles, photos, and especially the Terry Nation Dalek story with the twist in the tail, were excellent.

The Dalek construction plans will have no doubt inspired many a school to build their own Daleks. Who knows, the country could be invaded by an army of school Daleks! Ah, but we’d be sage, as we’d have Dr Who to protect us!

Your Special has certainly made the year for Dr Who fans. A rather sad year due to the un-timely death of the Master, alias Roger Delgado. But I hope that in 15 years’ time, in 1988, you will publish another Special to celebrate 25 years of wandering in time with the Doctor.”

Peter Capaldi (aged 15)

Today it emerged Capaldi’s love for the series was a major factor in the creator’s casting choice.

Doctor Who creator Steven Moffat said: “I happen to know Capaldi is a big fan. There’s something very seductive about an utterly brilliant, arresting looking leading man actor…who you happen to know is a big fan of the show.”'

4. He's a man

This is not a sexist thing, but the character of The Doctor is a man. Why should this change? No one ever starts campaigns about the next James Bond being a woman do they? That's all I'm saying on the matter as to me it's a point that is not even worth debating...

5. He physically looks the part

There are some actors that just look perfect for the part, take a look at this brilliant clip someone has made on youtube:

It all works doesn't it?

Of course, I could be completely wring about all this, as the Seventh Doctor said, "Time will tell, it always does..." For the moment though, the signs are extremely promising.

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