Why Angels Take Manhattan is One of Doctor Who's Greatest Ever Moments *Contains Spoilers*

So that’s it then, Amy and Rory have left the Doctor never to return again and their final episode was one of the greatest in recent Doctor Who history .

The whole episode was a joy to watch from beginning to end with it’s dark film noir style perfectly directed to the excellent Steven Moffat penned script which will packed with sadness and irony. Matt Smith was, as always, brilliant as Doctor 11, Alex Kingston was reassuringly good but the stand out actor for me was Karen Gillen, she was just amazing and her last few minutes on the screen were heartbreaking.

This was a woman who had just lost her husband, the true love of her life, and she was going to do anything to get him back, even if that meant never seeing The Doctor again…

Amy and Rory got the send off they deserved. After all, they were excellent companions.

People will be sad to see them go, but this is something that we can’t be shocked or surprised by though as, as explained in last week’s brilliant episode, The Doctor loses all his compainions at some point and Amy and Rory have had a much longer run with him than practically anyone else.

What sets these two apart from all the other companions though is that for the most of the time The Doctor sought them out rather than them being with him all the time. How many other times can you say that The Doctor actively looks for people on his adventures? It seems like at this stage in his very long life, The Doctor needed them more than they needed him.

Jenna Louise Coleman has got a massive task ahead of her, she has massive shoes to fill here. If she is only half as good as Karen Gillen, then she will be fantastic :)

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