Looper - was it any good? I just don't know....

Last week Joe and I watched Looper and I think its fair say our opinions are divided. Joe made it obvious that he didn't like the film while I felt like I enjoyed it, but on closer reflection I'm not sure now.

For those that don't know that much about it, the film is about time travel and stars Joseph Gordon Levitt and Bruce Willis. The trailer pretty much sums up the whole film's set up:

Bruce Willis and Jospeh Gordon Levitt were both great in their roles and Emily Blunt is always good, plus the action zipped along at a good pace.

However, as the film moved along quite quickly it didn't give you time to stop and think. If you did you would realise how ludicrous the whole thing was.

I'm going to sound completely nerdy now, but the writer hadn't fully gripped the concept of time travel and this is where the problem lies. I want to like the film, and I think I did, but when I stop and think about what I have watched I have to admit it is all a bit rubbish.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a massive Sci-Fi fan, but the best Sci Fi stories are the ones that have some sort of root in reality. Time travel stories are very difficult to get right as you have to see the story from all angles, otherwise there will be massive plotholes and inaccuracies...

I'm torn about this one, the film lover in me wants to praise a really well made film but the geek in me can't get past all the errors. It's hard to explain what these errors are though without spoiling the film for those who haven't seen it.

What do others think? Am I being to harsh on the film? This geek would like to know :)


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