Bright Light Bright Light Make Me Believe In Hope

Bright Light Bright Light  Make Me Believe In Hope
Bright Light Bright Light Make Me Believe In Hope

It's rare nowadays that the music charts are bothered by anything other than the produce of talent shows, but every now and again a fresh new talent emerges that hasn't been moulded by Mr High & Mighty Pants himself Simon Cowell!

Bright Light Bright Light (aka singer/songwriter Rod Thomas) has come up with a collection of songs that are both refreshingly new and reassuringly nostalgic at the same time. I stumbled apon the video for the single "Waiting For The Feeling" on Popjustice a few months ago and searched out the album.

Obviously influenced by the big dance tunes from the 90's, here is a collection of songs that you can dance to and appreciate their lyrical content ("I Cry At Films" for example) Think of a more upbeat Hurts.

The album and singles havn't really troubled the Top 40, but you would do a lot worse than get yourself a copy of Mr Thomas' debut before Kylie nabs him to produce her next effort (probably!)

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