Missing Doctor Who Episodes Found? Christmas may have come early!

Missing Doctor Who Episodes Found? Christmas may have come early!

BBC to reveal a number of missing Doctor Who episodes


Could it be true? Could it???

One of the most frustrating things about being a Doctor Who fan is the knowledge that over 106 episodes of the greatest sci-fi show on Earth are missing. We have audio recordings, telesnaps, novelisations and more recently animated reconstructions of what we never got to see but it just isn't the same as seeing it for real

As of today [8th October 2013], this is the list of missing and incomplete stories:

First Doctor

Marco Polo
The Reign of Terror
The Crusade
Galaxy 4
"Mission to the Unknown"
The Myth Makers
The Daleks' Master Plan
The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve
The Celestial Toymaker
The Savages
The Smugglers
The Tenth Planet

Second Doctor

The Power of the Daleks
The Highlanders
The Underwater Menace
The Moonbase
The Macra Terror
The Faceless Ones
The Evil of the Daleks
The Abominable Snowmen
The Ice Warriors
The Enemy of the World
The Web of Fear
Fury from the Deep
The Wheel in Space
The Invasion

Completely missing from the BBC archives is the first regeneration and the Second Doctor's first story! Also missing is what could possibly be the scariest Doctor Who story ever - Fury From The Deep - all I have seen is the below clips and it looks bloody terrifying!

I could make a list of what I would like to see but, lets be honest, I wouldn't be completely happy until I finally saw every episode ever made!

When I get more information about what has actually been found I will update you here, but in the meantime I'll just get very excited....!

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