Doctor Who - The Bells of St John

Saturday night saw the return of series 7 [33] of the greatest Sci -Fi show on TV, in this story we saw the re-re-reintroduction of Jenna Louise Coleman as the mysterious Clara, but was it any good?

The episode started with a spooky warning that there may be a living enitity inside your Wi-Fi connection. From that moment I was immediately on board with the premise that something that is all around us could be dangerous - very much like Blink.

Matt Smith and Jenna Louise Coleman are now rock solid together, having him meet her a few times before was a pretty good idea , although there are still many many questions that need to be answered. One thing that intrigued me was her problem with numbers - did anyone else notice her issues with the number three?

I think i'm going to really like Clara. How could you not love someone who takes a cup of tea into the TARDIS as she hadn't finished it yet?

In addition to this the whole thing just looked amazing, the London skyline looked wonderful. Was it filmed in London or was Cardiff doubled up with bit of CGI? Either way it looked stunning, especially when The Doctor rode up the Shard!

Celia Imrie was as good as ever and there was also a suprising cameo who I won't reveal as I know not everyone has seen it yet.

My only niggle, and its a very small one, is that the episode could have been about 5 minutes longer. As with many stories in this series, the resolution was too quick and I wanted to know more about what happened to the office workers.

Other than that it was business as usual and a great opening to what looks like is going to be a great run of episodes :D







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