Summer Time in Manchester [this article is in no way a complaint about men getting topless....]

Summer time is officially here :)

The weather forecast for the next few days looks pretty promising

So if this is true, will you be staying in the City of heading out to green climates? Do people like it when it gets hot in Manchester?

One thing that has struck me in recent years here is the amount of clothing people wear, it seems to be less and less. I actually saw a topless man on the tram this week when the temperature wasn't even that high! I'm not a prude or anything but I do worry people are catching chills!

Back to the subject though, if this is going to be a hot summer - is there anywhwere you would recommend going for days out? All suggestions would be gratefully received!

[BTW this article is in no way a complaint about men getting topless....]




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