Shameless star Robbie Conway talks to Cool Manchester

Shameless star Robbie Conway talks to Cool Manchester

Hi Robbie. Can you tell us how you came to be a regular favourite on Shameless?

I was interested in drama at school and sometimes there would be auditions for different things. It was usually for girls though or I didn’t fit the character. So when they had an audition for a lad that fitted me I just went for it. I wasn’t nervous because I didn’t think I’d ever get it.

The show is loved across the world and America made their version, did you ever see that?

I’ve never seen it. To be honest, part of me wants to see it just to see what it’s like. But another part of me doesn’t because it’s such a Manchester thing! I’m sure it’s great & I’ve heard good things about it, but I don’t think anything could ever beat the original.

Who are your favourite actors?

Tom Hardy is a favourite. He’s a fantastic actor, but also the films he does are exactly the kind of films I would love to be in! I think he played Charles Bronson really well. I’m interested in the real Charles Bronson & I loved the film.

What films do you enjoy watching in your spare time?

I like horrors and comedies, both mainstream and indie films. I watched The Conjuring recently and that bit near the end where the woman gets possessed really freaked me out.

When you played the Aidan character on Shameless did the characterisation happen naturally for you?

It wasn’t a difficult character, because I was just being myself. I think that’s partly why the show worked so well – it was real Manchester! I didn’t go to stage school & I just played it totally natural and that seemed to work & people liked the character.

David Threlfall is such an amazing actor, did you enjoy working with him and what did you learn from seeing him in action?

Yeah he is. He had to put me straight a couple of times when I forgot my lines. He taught me not to over-act and to let the character do the talking, not the actor.

What have you got lined up TV/Film wise?

I’m doing a movie called ‘A New York Story’. George Newton (Banjo from This Is England) plays my Dad! My character is a gobby young gangster & it’s dead gritty, hard-hitting stuff. I’m really looking forward to it.

Shameless star Robbie Conway talks to Cool Manchester

We have to ask, are there any more Shameless episodes in the pipeline?

I don’t think so, but I would really love it if there was. I think there should be a movie!

What are you most fond memories from your time on shameless?

There are so many memories, but I’d have to say the wrap parties were pretty insane. I’d probably better stop there! So many great people as well. I haven’t got space to mention everybody, but a couple of people that really stood out are Aaron McCusker who played Jamie Maguire, because I was really young when I was on the show and he looked after me and spoke to me like an adult and I looked up to him a lot. Karen Bryson who played Avril Powell was lovely as well, just like an auntie.

And finally…what’s your advice to any other young actors starting out in the industry?

Don’t give up. It’s a waiting game. You have to remember that it’s always going to be a roller coaster. One minute you’re on top of the world and then it’s over and you have to start again & keep a good attitude about it and keep going. I think that’s good advice for any actor really, not just the young ones.


Thanks to Robbie Conway for his time.

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