The Chacers Single Review

‘You Won’t Catch Me’

Single Review By CoolManchester


The Chacers Single Review



The Chacers have that coolAmericanathing going on that leans more to the Rock’N’Roll end of the spectrum than the ever popular country blues fusion we seem to hear more and more nowadays.


The single starts off with a neat riff and into the main track the hook refrain of;


“You’re gonna miss a good think when im gone”


It’s infectious, stick this on in the car and you’re gonna be cruising the roads in style and feeling GREAT.


The Chacers Single Review



It’s a snappy, catchy song and leaves you wanting more. It’s the kind of song you’d imagine would suit one of the more violent and action orientated Quentin T. films. The one thing that would have been great would be if this was released on vinyl. Its not got a B Side and I miss that in a single release, but aside from that very minor gripe id give The Chacers and this new single a big thumbs up.


Not sure if the single’s going to be available on iTunes but the place to check this out is the bands Facebook page here


Review By Andrew Barclay

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