The Start of Christmas 2012

The Start of Christmas 2012

Today I decided on the spur of the moment to go to the Trafford Centre. Now, I generally have a rule regarding this place, and that is as soon as the lights have been switched on, it is avoided until at least February.

Unfortunately, Matthew put it in my head that the decorations had changed, and I am a sucker for Christmas. That, and there is a very limited edition Nespresso coffee out that I want (and didn't get :'( )

At first, I didn't believe that they had spent any money to change the decorations (they had been the same for as long as I can remember), but it does seem like they have in some places. The singing tree for example hadn't been changed much other than the bulbs were a different colour.

McFly switched on the Christmas lights on Thursday and I am glad I missed it. From the pictures I saw, the Orient was heaving and I wouldn't have liked it. I am afraid to say I did miss their book signing on the Friday, but it does look like Selfridges have some extras of their signed book on sale (hint hint).

As I said, I love Christmas, especially decorations, and some of the new ones that have been put up are stunning. There are baubles hanging down that open periodically to reveal another tree inside changing colour. Anyway, less of my goings on, I will leave you with the pictures.

Enjoy, and Merry Christmas :) (you may need to click on Full Story)

The Start of Christmas 2012
This the view from John Lewis looking down the passed Boots and the dolphin fountain that shoots water up in the air. The tree in the foreground is made of Lego!
The Start of Christmas 2012
This is the Lego Christmas tree that is outside the Armani Exchange (not a shop I frequent). It is apparently one of the biggest in the world and created by the UK's only certified Lego professional.It has about 350,000 lego pieces with 450 baubles and 108 branches. The baubles were created by school children and the whole tree took 12 days to build.Brings a whole new look to the 12 Days of Christmas doesn't it!
The Start of Christmas 2012
A little proof that it is made out of Lego. You need a lot of patience I think to put this in place. I do love it though
The Start of Christmas 2012
This is one of the baubles that I thought looked excellent hanging down. I didn't realise that they opened until a little later
The Start of Christmas 2012
The singing tree has had a little makeover, but is still as popular with kids old and young :)
The Start of Christmas 2012
Another angle of the tree. I was trying to capture as many of the changes as I could
The Start of Christmas 2012
Isn't this fabulous? You can just imagine some plinky plonky music playing whilst this opens and closes whilst rotating. There isn't any.. but can't you imagine it?
The Start of Christmas 2012
Harvey Nichs is back this year. There were on the upper mall last year where the newly extended M&S is situated. They have a smaller store this year on the lower mall.They certainly know when the Christmas period starts!
The Start of Christmas 2012
Along the upper mall barriers they have placed these lovely trees that change colour in the same sequence as the ones in the hanging baubles.
The Start of Christmas 2012
From Debenhams, you can see the hanging bauble and the trees changing colour.
The Start of Christmas 2012
From Debenhams, you can see the hanging bauble and the trees changing colour.
The Start of Christmas 2012
From Debenhams, you can see the hanging bauble and the trees changing colour.I took these whilst waiting for the bauble to open
The Start of Christmas 2012
From Debenhams, you can see the repeating pattern of the trees
The Start of Christmas 2012
The Start of Christmas 2012
The Start of Christmas 2012
The Start of Christmas 2012
The Start of Christmas 2012
The Start of Christmas 2012
The Start of Christmas 2012
The Start of Christmas 2012
The Start of Christmas 2012
The Start of Christmas 2012
The Start of Christmas 2012
The Start of Christmas 2012
This is hanging down above the escalators in the main dome. It reminds me of a tree hanging down in one of the shopping centres in Paris 8 years ago
The Start of Christmas 2012
The Start of Christmas 2012
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