Spooky World....Spooktastic!

Spooky World....Spooktastic!

Halloween is fast approaching! Every year in the UK Halloween seems to get bigger and bigger, not yet as big as in the US, but close! On the outskirts of Warrington (not technically Manchester..but I went with two friends from Salford!!) is a plays called "Spooky World" during the summer this is a kids farm called "Apple Jacks", but from the end of September until the end of November is transformed into all that is icky and spooky!

Various "Zones" are created where you walk through in groups being terrified by actors dressed up as zombies, scary clowns and horror film characters. This year alongside the regular "Haunted Hayride" and "Field of Screams" they have added a "Contagion Zone" and a horrific fun house!

It's all good fun, characters wander around the grounds scaring visitors, there is a food court, pumpkin carving, roller ring. The motto is "Fun by Day, Scary by Night"  I'm a wuss, so EVERYTHING scared me, to the extent that teens in the lines kept shouting "Boo!" at me and I would scream!

Not a big fan of the zombies and undead that jump out at you when you walk through some of the zones, but the "Haunted Hayride" was fun!

Booking online is cheaper and you can fast track your tickets, which means you can avoid the VERY long lines for some of the zones. Wrap up warm, wear wellies..but dont EVER say "Ill be right back!"

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