Apologies for a lack of recent posts. Time to reintroduce ourselves!

For those who know me, you will know that the last few months have been proper hectic, and I would like to apologise for neglecting my blog so much. 

My aim is to blog on a regular basis but in the meantime I thought it might be with introducing myself and my site...

It's been a couple of years in the making, but CoolManchester.com is properly back! For those who remember the original site, it was an open forum for people to discuss anything and everything. 

Things haven't changed much in that respect, but with the growing popularity of social networking sites, there really wasn't much of a reason to go to an open forum so this time around the site will be much more blogging based. 

For those who don't know me or are new to the site I'm not no sure how I would introduce myself on here, all I can say is when you read my blogs you should get an idea about the type of person I am 

So here I am, I hope you enjoy what I say but at the same time I hope people challenge what I say too. Everybody talks rubbish from time to time....My twitter ID is bluejovanka but friends call me Matthew. If you've worked out what my user id means, you've probably guessed that I'm a huge Doctor Who fan! Those of you who have seem my tweets though probably didn’t need to work out my username to guess....

The reason I have started blogging is because sometimes I need to rant or rave about something and a lot of the time 140 characters isn't enough to fully express my opinion (trust me when I say I have lots of those!!!)

But this is also a site you too, feel free to use the blogging facility to talk about anything and everything you wish, it doesn't even have to be Manchester based :)

- See more at: http://www.coolmanchester.com/index.php/CM/introduce-yourself/welcome-back-to-coolmanchester-com#sthash.uIIMq12l.dpuf

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