General Election 2015 - Incredibly Dull!

The democratic right to a vote is one of the greatest things to possess, but so many people in this country just don't use it. Why is this?

A couple of weeks ago the general election campaign started and usually by this point I'm having heated debates with people on how we are all going to vote. This time, not so much..

To be honest, apart from the idiotic rants from UKIP loons, I have not really paid attention at all.

Both the main parties are spending too much time slagging the other one off  rather than selling their good points to us. All the usual shit slinging is taking place and no one is coming out well.

I know who I'm going to vote for, I decided a while ago, but there are many first time voters out there who do not know where to mark their cross and need to make informative decisions.

Politicians need to break out of their usual campaign modes and do something different. Otherwise I feel there could be a very low turnout with no one happy with the outcome

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