Vinny Peculiar - Other People Like Me - Album Review

By Jason Waters

Vinny Peculiar (aka Alan Wilkes) is back with a brand new album, and what a fine album it is too. The extremely catchy 'My Generation' (I said goodbye)' hooks the listener in the first few bars with the dancing piano and sweeping guitar. The songs refrain of "I said goodbye to my generation, I never heard from them again" will most certainly be on repeat in your mind long after the song is over.

'Judy Wood' instantly reminds this reviewer of David Bowie's sound on his 'Hunky Dory' album, although its a different bowie album Vinny name checks in the lyrics, "I dropped out of school, I wished I was a girl, coz I listened to the man who sold the world". Its not just Bowie who is in the mix here though, Vinny’s vocal delivery brings to mind Ray Davis, and the Beatles influence is apparent.

Talking of the fab four, the next song, 'A Vision' is an extremely wonderful nod to The Beatles, an achingly melancholic look back at times gone by. Its on this track you realise just how very British a songwriter Vinny really is.

The chaos of 'Other People' jumps out from the speakers at you, and its refreshing that the title track of the album is actually a lightweight romp compared to the previous tracks. The guitar work particularly makes itself known.

'Artrockers' starts out like a Motown song until Vinny reveals with his every man lyrics that this is another ode to the pop stars of his youth. The whole song is one big celebration of art, and is a joy to behold.

The jagged guitar intro of 'Art Thief' is more along the lines of something you'd expect from a mid 70s Lou Reed. It rocks its way nicely through its duration, but its spacey guitars and frantic pace don’t really cover up the fact that the song is somewhat slight compared to other work on the album.
'Square One' is simply pure vintage Vinny Peculiar. The wistful lyrics over a luscious backing reinforce why so many people, including myself, love Vinny’s work.

'Christo & Jeanne-Claude', as well as featuring some fine acoustic flourishes on guitar, has some great lines,
"they were genuine artists, and there are so few genuine artists"

When you turn the TV on and are confronted with marketing instead of true musicians and songwriters, Vinny’s sentiments ring true.

'Something And Nothing' is another look back, something of a theme on this album. This time its a more modern sounding backing Vinny chooses to convey his lyrics, and for some reason Radiohead in their quieter moments spring to mind here, with former Oasis guitar man Bonehead providing Ebow guitar.
The album closer, the instrumental 'Theme Fifteen' is a gripping work of alternative electronica. Echoes of Eno are present, and its a genuine joy to listen to.


Vinny Peculiar is playing live across the UK this winter, so catch him in Manchester on the 22nd of October at 'Manchester M19 Bar'.

‘Other People Like Me’ is out now on Shadrack & Duxbury Records

For full tour info and details on where you can by the album visit the Vinny Peculiar website below.

'Reptile Rainbow'

Single Review By Jason Waters

Stalagmites describe themselves as 4-piece Rock & Roll band from Salford, and I think they are under playing themselves a touch there.

The bands debut single sees them in strong form, if your looking for jangly guitar pop here you'll be sorely disappointed.

If your looking for a new band whose music you can get your teeth into, then your on the right track with 'Stalagmites'.

A deceptively catchy guitar riff nags at you, and refuses to let you ignore it, 'Reptile Rainbow' is a dark slice of alternative rock, reminiscent of early 90s American band 'Low'.

Frontman Bradley Lynch often delivers the lyrics with a sinister nasal attack, the backing smoldering and almost cooking in its own darkness.

B-side 'Howling at the moon' starts off with a similar bleak music back drop, but things are lighter here, and ultimately ends in a sublime concoction of breezy vocals and emotive guitar work.

Stalagmites have everything it takes to make it massive, and if there is any justice in this world, they will.

Gig dates
8th October - Fuel, Withington, Manchester
13th October - Ruby Lounge, Manchester
15th October - Fac251, Manchester
25th November - The Crescent, Salford

For info on how to get hold of the bands music visit:

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