Four more great songs I recommend

October is a very predictable month in the pop music industry, the UK Top 40 is pretty much consumed with acts associated with The X Factor for the rest of the year and the major record companies take few risks and bring out all the "Best of" compilations ready for Christmas.

There are still, however, a few great new[ish] songs out there though for those willing to look for them.

Here are four songs for this month that come recommended by me:

1. Nicola Roberts - Lucky Day

Nicola gets a pretty bad deal from the press. She's seen as the "other one" from Girls Aloud and gets nowhere near the same amount of coverage as other less vocally gifted members of the group [I don't have to name names do I?]. Personally, I think that Nicola has the best solo material by a long way and Lucky Day is a catchy pop tune that doesn't resort to the "vocal enhancement" associated with other members of the same group [I don't have to name names again do I?].

2. Marina and the Diamonds - Radioactive

Hollywood and I Am Not A Robert should have been MASSIVE hits and the fact that Marina still has not had a top ten hit is a major injustice. Hopefully the first single from her second album will do much better!

3. Charlene Soraia - Wherever You Will Go

The original version of this song by "The Calling" is one of nmy all time favourites songs and usually I am very unkind about cover versions, but Charlene's vocals on this track are spine tingling! Trust me on this one!

4. Aqua - Playmate to Jesus

FOURTEEN yeasrs after the release of "Barbie Girl" the Danish band are still going strong [in Europe anyway!] and are back with a new album "Meglomania". Aqua have moved on from thier original sound but are still making great pop songs. Have a listen, it may just surprise you!

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