The Suns - Jessica

The Suns

Jessica - Single Review

By Andrew Barclay



The Suns are a new five piece who are releasing a new single on March 27th by way of digital download.

The song in question is a melody filled number called 'Jessica'. It sounds like something you'd have heard recorded for Sun Records all those years ago, and brings to mind bands like Creedence Clear Water Revival, The Shadows, and if it’s not too much of a stretch, the king himself, Elvis Presley.

The singles strengths lie in its simplicity; it’s a two and a half minute stride down mellow lane, with friendly backing vocals, a killer melody, and spritely guitars. I’ve not heard much by them, but what i have heard has left me wanting more, and I’m sure that 'Jessica' will be a song I’m playing plenty over the coming summer.

Look out for the single release, and info on the band at :

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