Rebellious Jukebox Single Review

Rebellious Jukebox

Killer On The Dance Floor

Single Review

By Andrew Barclay



'Killer On The Dance Floor' is the new single from 'Rebellious Jukebox', and brought to you by Longevity Records.

The band describes themselves as ''art-house rockers''. This new single is a dance tinged almost New Wave track, and I can hear echoes of late 70s Bowie in here, which is no bad thing. Of course it's wrapped up in modern production, similar perhaps to the 'Pop' album by U2.

Carl Beuselink’s vocals are detached sounding, as if he's observing matters, but still very much in command of proceedings, and it’s hard to believe at times this is the work of a three piece, such is the momentum and drama built up within the song. If this single is any indication of how good the forth coming album is, then it looks like we are in for a treat. The single is out on March 12th.

The bands Facebook page is at:

And the band's label home can be found at:

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