Categories: "Music"

The Virgo Mechanically Replayed

'Factory Fatigue' album review By Jason Waters In terms of the DJ world, Jon Desilva is a legend. His influence still wades through the mainstream music scene, with bands from 'Primal Scream' and 'The Stone Roses' owing him a huge debt. Desilva can qu… more »

No*Tokyo EP | DeadBeat Echoes

No*Tokyo EP Review by Jason Waters No*Tokyo have been around the Manchester music scene for a while now, and they seem to be doing all the right things in their quest to get noticed above the plethora of other bands around at the moment. They have ju… more »

Guilty Pleasures

Four more great songs I recommend

Vinny Peculiar - Other People Like Me - Album Review

By Jason Waters Vinny Peculiar (aka Alan Wilkes) is back with a brand new album, and what a fine album it is too. The extremely catchy 'My Generation' (i said goodbye)' hooks the listener in the first few bars with the dancing piano and sweeping gui… more »
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