Interview With David Yow

Interview With David Yow

By Christopher Brunner

David Yow has been entertaining crowds of maniacal rock fans for decades as well as being a fine painter and digital artist. David can also really act too, with several indie movies under his belt David Yow is hungry for more.

Christopher Brunner spoke to David Yow a few weeks ago .....

Chris "Is re-invention a term that crosses your mind either consciously or sub-consciously?"

David Yow "I've been working on reinventing myself a lot lately because I've been dissatisfied with the previously invented version of me and erm so I've been taking these classes mostly for acting, and ah they’ve been really cool, sorted of erm, not exactly renaissance but you know newer better version"

Chris "Have any roles in particular taken you more out of your comfort zone than usual?"

David Yow "well it’s never comfortable that’s one of the really cool things about it is that it’s a real challenge to sorta try and step out of yourself to try and let what ever character it is that you’re playing take over"

Chris "Is it easier playing a role you can relate with?"

David Yow "I'm generally a very nice and easy going fella, and there’s a couple roles Id played, there was one in particular in a movie called ‘Al’s Beef’ where I played a con man who tortures a women’s fiancée in front of her and then shoots her in the back and that one was a lotta fun because it was really, really different than what I'm like... and so to try and sorta slip into that place
where its someone other than me is this kinda weird and magical thing, it’s never easy, and doesn’t happen that often.
I think that’s one of the main reasons that motivates me to wanna do this acting bullshit"

Chris "Are there other roles you like to branch off into?"

David Yow "Erm I used to think I wanted to play just pretty much just villains and y’know, bad guys and shit like that, but since then I've kind of realised id like to do everything. Id like to play a fairy in a Disney move, y’know anything and everything.
Do you know who Michael Shannon is?"

Chris "No"

David Yow "Have you ever watched Boardwalk Empire"?

Chris "Yeah a few times. I dug what I saw."

David Yow "He’s the weird guy what’s his name Nelson Van Alden, I think is his name (Shannon’s Character name in BoardWalk Empire),
and we’ve become friends, and he was doing this movie last year called The Ice Man which was based on a hit man named Richard Kuklinski, and Michael played Kuklinski , and he told the Director that he wanted me to be in the movie, and so the Director and I had a meeting, and there was a particular role that he thought id be perfect for he told me he couldn’t imagine anybody else playing the role better than I would.
So I was really excited, I thought this is very cool feature length movie, and all of a sudden at the last minute the producers took the role away from me and gave it to James Franco, and I just saw a screening of the movie, and I had done a video tape for the director of the movie role that I was gonna be in, and its funny, when you see the movie and you see James Franco do his part, he did it exactly like I did, and I could be wrong y’know, but I think the director showed him the tape and said ‘ok do it like this’, so I think that’s kinda funny.
So when I meet James Franco I'm gonna beat him up (laughs)"

Chris "How are your future plans looking at this point?"

David Yow "oh yeah, there’s a bunch of stuff around the corner, I'm eager, its all good. Its all very exciting, I think it’s a slow grow y’know, you can’t expect it to happen quickly, but I need, I've had a hard time trying to find some kind of representation or manager, and so I'm looking for that to happen. Its been weird because a lot of directors sought me out because of the music I did,
and I just kinda wonder well okay there’s gotta be agents who would think id be cool"

Chris "Have you worked on any exotic set locations?"

David Yow "Urm as for acting, I don’t think I've done any acting outside of the US. Done a lot of travelling, I think the coolest set I've ever been on is, a friend if mine worked on Deadwood...
and he took me along to the set there, it was amazing, the attention to detail, and just everything was really really cool"

Chris "Who were some of your early acting inspirations?"

David Yow "oh wow, er, I've been impressed with the work of Dennis Hopper, Jack Nicholson and hmm Steve Buscemi, erm, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, god I guess the list could go on and on, Robert De Niro. I think often times I'm more impressed with Directors . I'm a huge fan of ‘ol Stanley Kubrick and when he died I was crushed. One of the only times a famous persons died and I cared about it, it really, really bummed me out when Stanley Kubrick died
I think he’s one of the greatest artists of our time"

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