Interview With David Yow

Interview With David Yow

Chris "I had just recently seen 'Eyes Wide Shut.' Stanley Kubrick was a director who not only had a lot of imagery but his statements and what he chose to cover are very important topics."

David Yow "yeah for sure, and not only the subject matter but the way he shot it, the ideas that he had, every frame is a great composition photographically"

Chris "I want to see more of his work.  I've seen 'A Clockwork Orange' many years ago but it was only recently, like 2 months ago that I saw 'Eyes Wide Shut.'  I liked it a lot"

David Yow "Yeah yeah, its funny when Eye’s Wide Shut came out I was living outside of Chicago and my friends In a band called The Melvins were visiting and they were staying at my house,
we all went to see ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ and when we were done and got back to my house there were about 8 or 9 of us and nobody said a word, y’know normally you go and see a movie with friends and your talking about your favourite parts ,and the whole drive home after Eyes Wide Shut nobody said a fucking word about Eyes Wide Shut it was really unusual"

Chris "Yeah that movie was so thought provoking, and controversial that it was almost shocking and silencing"

David Yow "yeah that movie was like a classical piece of music, the pacing was so slow, almost drudgery... it was great, especially that he was able to pull it off with Tom Cruise because Tom Cruise, well y’know, we don’t have to go into Tom Cruise."

Chris "Are there any roles you wouldn't play?"

David Yow "Erm, well, I dunno I've never given it much thought, as I said before as far as character go  id like to play everything, id like to play a little girl who gets raped by a cow"

Chris "Haha, well that would be a trippy movie. Have you ever experienced anything paranormal?"

David Yow "when my girlfriend and I moved into this place we’re in now and we started painting a coupla rooms and we thought we saw something walk by the room a coupla times, and we think there’s a ghost cat living here coz there’s been a few moments where you feel like a cat is jumping up and you go to pet it and there’s no cat there (David owns a cat) .
And im in the basement right now, and one time, I came outta the basement, and I reached to get my keys outa my pocket and I look down and there was a cat between my legs, and a moment later it was gone. And so all of this is easily explained like that could just be your imagination, but one of the things we have not figured out was one morning my wife walked by the guest room and noticed the bed has moved and asked me if I had moved the bed in the middle of the night and I said ‘what?’…
we have these paintings in the guest room on the wall that line up with the bed, and the bed was moved to the left by like a foot and a half.
I dunno, I dunno how the fuck that coulda happened, I mean we didn’t have an earth quake, the cats can’t do it, so I dunno what that was, it wasn’t our imagination the bed was moved about a foot and a half".

Chris "Nice. In my experience that stuff is very much real. As to what it is, I don't know, but it's there. So what's going on right now? Any works in progress?"

David Yow "We’re working on a movie right now called ‘Hide Outside’, I've been involved with this since before there was even a script, and now we’re working on trying to get a budget,
kinda like half million Dollars to make this movie and its really really cool and its really worthwhile and it’ll come out some time in the next year, it should be pretty cool"

Promo poster for' High & Outside



Chris "Have you worked with any other bands besides the two you sang for?"

David Yow "Yeah I've done stuff with the Melvins, and Helmet and the Butthole Surfers, and hmm Firewater, Cop Shoot Cop and Ventura, and a bunch of folks yeah."

Chris "How about The Dead Kennedys?  Would you have worked with them if they had asked?"

David Yow "who, ah well there’re not even really the Dead Kennedys anymore, back in those days I probably would, we’re old friends so if I was asked to collaborate now I most likely would"

Chris "You've lived in a few different cities throughout your life, how has your hometown and now living away from it been?"

David Yow "I was back in Austin at the beginning of the punk rock stuff a great time to live in at that time it was a really exciting time and place"

Chris "How has Los Angeles been treating you?"

David Yow "Los Angeles is the greatest city on earth I love this town, I never would have expected Id love Los Angeles as much as I do, the weathers great,
there’s always something good to do, Chris was there anything else you wanted to touch on coz I sorta gotta go"

Chris "No man, that's pretty much it.  I just wanted to cover your past, present, and future. Thanks a lot David."

David Yow "Ok man take care, if your ever in LA we’ll go grab a beer".

We'd like to thank David Yow for the interview and a big thanks to Chris for helping out. If you'd like to know more about David Yow please follow the links below.

This site below concerns itself more with David's acting and musical works.

David's artwork projects.

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