Hollywood - STOP IT!


Child’s Play


The Crow

The Dambusters


Das Experiment

Death Note


The Evil Dead


Fantastic 4



The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Godzilla Ghost In The Shell

The Great Gatsby


Judge Dredd

The Lone Ranger


Short Circuit

A Star Is Born

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Point Break

The Thin Man

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

The Three Musketeers

Total Recall

The Warriors

Above is a list of films currently out or on the way in the next few months. As well as these, even more are planned for next year including DIRTY DANCING! When did Hollywood become so lazy? Is it that hard to make something new and original? I haven't seen the majority of these films, but from the remakes I have seen the last couple of years the huge majority have been inferior to the originals Clash of the Titans was rubbish! I just don't understand why it was remade. Please Hollywood stop! Soon there will be remakes of remakes of reboots. ITS JUST TOO MUCH!!!!

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