Thank You

Doesn't time fly? has been around in one form or another for over seven years now. From it's original inception of a discussion forum where my friends could chat to each other it has evolved into what it is now and I'm extremely proud of it.

Two years ago I was happy with 500 hits a day and now it gets over 10,000!

Because of the current success, I just want to say thank you to the guys that have helped make this site what it is. From my lovely partner Joe [the real brains of the site] to Andrew and his music reviews the website wouldn't be what it is today :)

People who know me though know that I don't like to let the grass grown for too long [metaphorically, no bitchy comments about my garden please!] and I am constantly looking at ways to improve the place.

What do you see this site as being about? Any feedback you have would be greatly appreciated.

I still want the site to be an open discussion forum where people can sign up and blog about anything they like, but at the same time I've noticed that the most popular pages are the reviews. Is this something that we should do more?

You can let me know you views by commenting at the bottom of this post. In addition to this we also have a Facebook page and can be found on Twitter [@cool_manchester].

You can also if you wish follow my own Twitter feed [@bluejovanka - blatant self promotion!]

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