Naked booby ladies in the same papers that are outraged by Kate pics - a double standard?

This week's news story that has dominated the newspapers has been about topless pictures of The Duchess of Cornwall. Today the story developed further when a Danish publication has announced it's running the pics

The tabloids in particular have shown outrage with Richard Desmond, boss of The Star and The Daily Express suspending the editor of The Irish Star for running the pics.

Is it me, or does this whole story smack of hypocrisy? Are the press offended by the naked pictures? That would be strange seeing that The Sun and The Star always have a naked woman on page three during the week.

Or, are the press offended by the violation of somebody's privacy? Again that would be rather cheeky seeing that was the reason we have the Leveson enquiry now after the tabloids took it upon themselves to hack the voicemails of dead teenagers....

Maybe this is a sign of the papers turning a corner and I'm being too harsh on them? After all, one of my first blogs on here was a rant about the papers

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