Worst TV Show ever made?

Following yesterday's blog about the worst movie ever made I thought I'd show you this:

Often regarded as one of the worst shows in British TV history the show upset a lot of parents wondering why children were behaving in such an innappropriate manner

A few years later though the bosses at new TV service BSB thought a sitcom about Hitler would be a good idea....

Unsurprisingly the show never got past the pilot being shown, but often pops up on endless list and clips shows on Channel Four.

Here's my nomination for the worst program ever made though... Eldorado!

For some reason in the 1990s the BBC believed the UK needed ANOTHER prime time soap opera, after the success of the "sunny" soaps of Australia, the idea was to do a British one with a custom built set on the Spanish coast. What could go wrong?

What the BBC failed to do was employ actors or scriptwriters that were any good! This show honestly has some of the worst acting and scripts of any show ever seen in BBC Television history and that includes The Life of Riley!

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