STOP PRESS SAVE THE DATE Village Bakers Great Village Bake Off Sunday 17th August

STOP PRESS SAVE THE DATE Village Bakers Great Village Bake Off Sunday 17th August

The Annual Village Bakers 'Great Village Bakers' returns to Manchester's Canal Street on Sunday 17th August where Fanny will be working hard to drizzle that lemon and firming those buns to create a baking competition like no other. All abilities and ages are encouraged to participate no matter how skilled we love to share the Village Bakers love.

We are organising fantastic celebrity judges to appear and give their professional opinion including the wonderful and amazingly talented Howard Middleton (from 2013 BBC Great British Bake Off) who is excited to be part of the event. More fantastic judges will be confirmed slightly nearer the time.

There will be a variety of wonderful baking inspired prizes for you to win across two simple categories; sweet & savoury. In true Village Bakers tradition of sharing, all entries will be available to sample once judging has taken place.

So grab your rolling pin, prove that bread, and squeeze your buns the village bakers are looking forward to judging your entry! Enter online at the address below and come along with your tasty entry at the Molly House, Richmond Street, Manchester on 17th August 1pm

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