What's 'Hot' This Summer

Manchester has long been known as THE city for new, vital music. That trend continues to this day, with a vast array of talented young bands producing some of the best music around at the moment. Over the Jubilee weekend Peter Hook is putting on shows celebrating the mighty legend of the 'Hacienda' night club, where so many of the bright lights of the Manchester music scene played at. Peter knows however, that it's not all about the past, his label, 'Hacienda Records' has on the roster one of the best new groups to have emerged from the mean streets of Manchester, and they are 'Humanizer'. So, it’s with this eye on the future that I take you for a journey across the various bands that Manchester has to offer the average gig goer this summer. I’m not putting any of them in any particular order of preference, so take your pick, they are all well worth hearing....and we'll be featuring many more in future reviews and articles.


The Deadtapes

The Deadtapes


The Deadtapes are one of the more interesting bands to be playing the night spots of Manchester at the moment. Their long awaited debut album is in the final mixing stages, and from what I’ve heard, it’s something of a revelation. The Deaptapes name is fairly apt, they are a dark, brooding band, with all the energy and intensity that made so many of their past peers great. Facebook link https://www.facebook.com/deadtapes1?ref=ts

The Suns

The Suns


When it comes to summer music, bright, breezy feel good songs, you could do far worse than sticking on The Suns. Perfect for festivals and radio play, The Suns offer an alternative to the darker underbelly of Manchester's league of live bands. To check out their brand of loveliness, visit www.the-suns.co.uk

The Mother Black Caps

The Mother Black Caps


The Mother Black Caps are a no nonsense rock 'n' roll band, think Arctic Monkeys and Twisted Wheel if you must make comparisons. Songs like 'Gin Fever' really get under your skin, and into your grey matter. They are confrontational without actually being aggressive, so the attitude does harp back a little to the glory days of the punk movement. Go and see this band if you can this summer, they are simply one of the best around right now. Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/themotherblackcaps




Carrying on with the more raucous sounding bands around, ZsilentZ are another one that are a must hear group. Musically they aren't a million miles away from the rampant anger of MC5 or The Stooges. Plus, they have a cool name. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Zsilent.Z




AAAK have a long history, one that I won’t go into here, but they are a working band that you'd be a fool to miss. Elder statesmen of the Manchester circuit, AAAK deliver a sonic power bomb of the industrial variety. Think Nine Inch Nails without the narcissistic whinging, and you won't be a million miles away. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/AAAK-As-Able-As-Kane/107013535998834

That's all for today, but there are many more bands that we will be advising you to go and see in the near future, so watch this space !!!

By Andrew Barclay

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