Super White Assassin - “Dark Teenage Fantasy” EP

Super White Assassin - “Dark Teenage Fantasy” EP

Review By Andrew Barclay

Hacienda Records first release of 2012 comes in the form of this debut EP by 'Super White Assassin', a spacey sounding disco duo, comprising of Tuey on vocals, and Argentinean born producer DieGodzilla providing the beat and ambience. It's a five track EP, and start's off with 'Russian Doll', a kind of latter day Roxy Music sounding track, which strongly features Tuey's ethereal vocals, over a light, but consistently engaging musical back ground. Strong on melody, and certainly unique, you can see why Hacienda Records snapped this duo up.

Next comes the darker edged 'White Noise'.  Tuey's eerie vocals actually gave me goose bumps on my arms, the spooky atmosphere works for them here and on repeat listens this song just gets better and better.

'Jupiter Storm' again showcases some wonderful vocals from Tuey, and DieGodzilla's tasteful backing really brings out the subtle but strong melodic hooks that are abundant throughout this song.

'Out Of The Snow' is another gem, the strange, ghostly vocals again take the listener on a haunting journey, and one that you'll be wanting to take over and over again.

That leaves the KC Radio mix of 'Russian Doll'. Although I must say I prefer the original version, within the context of this EP it works well, and is a nice closer to what is overall, a superb debut from an act that I think you'll be hearing much more from in the future.


You can get hold of the “Dark Teenage Fantasy” EP now from

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