SupaJamma 'Hope And Pray' Single Review

SupaJamma 'Hope And Pray' Single Review

By Andrew Barclay

SupaJamma 'Hope And Pray' Single Review


SupaJamma features the exceptional vocal talents of one Mr Martin 'Sugar' Merchant' whom many will recall fronted the excellent 'Audioweb' who were criminally underrated.

This single, 'Hope And Pray' is a welcome one and it's very much a song of the moment. Economic, social and political unrest abounds and Sugar's lyrics spare no blushes in his indignation of the status quo.

The track starts off with a deep bass line and surges into a dirty funky almost dub sounding mixture of genres and it works well.

Sugars voice is one of the best in not only the UK music scene, but on the world stage, and this band, SupaJamma are easily able enough to transcend the success of Audioweb because without a shadow of a doubt, 'Hope And Pray' delivers on all fronts.

Sugar recently announced that he was retiring from vocal duties to concentrate on his DJing, and without wanting to sound disrespectful, WHY ON EARTH???

SupaJamma are a great band and Sugar is a great frontman and vocalist and whilst im sure his DJ skills match the very best, his vocals are truly something special and should he actually give up on making brilliant music like 'Hope And Pray', then the world of music will miss him dearly.

The single is out on 11.11.13 from iTunes here's the link

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