Ryan Jarvis EP Reviewed

Ryan Jarvis

Outside This Town EP

Review By Andrew Barclay

The north has very often been the leading light in indie music in recent years, and despite much of this talent being heavily influenced by the 60s and the 60s revival music scenes, it still manages to some how sound very fresh and invigorating.

Ryan Jarvis is something of a gem in the Manchester music scene at the moment and based on this EP, will definitely be up on stages across the UK and beyond before too long.

'Shy Away' starts the EP off, and Jarvis' northern voice is honest and full of emotion. The song itself seems to deal with low self esteem, and the delicate melody is apt here.

'Outside This Town', the title track of the EP invokes an image of urban hopelessness that is both gut wrenching and somehow assuring as Jarvis lyrics lead us to the notion of unity, when the skies are bleak and the wind is cold, we still have each other.

'Shine For Me' is a slow, breezy number with Jarvis looking away from the cities and into his minds eye with companions and loved ones. The open eyed wonderment of what could be. It's a well produced song, and Martin Coogan, who is on engineering duties, helps bring out the song's wistful delivery.

'Thought Of You' closes the EP, and deals with relationships and hopes, dream and inner turmoil, all wrapped up in a stunning descending melody that will be stuck on repeat in your head for days on end.

If your record collection or iPod includes Oasis, Paul Wellar or The Courteeneers, then Ryan Jarvis will be a welcome addition. You can get hold of his EP from his website, and I very much recommend that you do.


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