Killing Joke - MMXII

Killing Joke


By Andrew Barclay

Killing Joke return with their brand new album, '2012', out on April 2nd. They are in a period of artistic resurgence and this album is proof, if any were needed, that the band are still a major force to be reckoned with.

The albums grand opener, 'Pole Shift', is a slow burning juggernaut, with Youth's thrashy guitar sound nicely layered across the synths, and Jaz Colemans vocals ranging from his smooth melodic delivery, to the war cry he evokes for the more high octane moments.

Jaz, who is a firm believer in the end times, builds his lyrical input around the theme of 2012 being THE year of change, and his enthusiasm for the subject is all over this album.

'In Cythera' is most certainly a highlight and it invokes a similar sound to 'European Super State' from the 'Absolute Dissent' album. The band still pack a punch however, and on 'Fema Camp', 'Rapture', Glitch' and 'Trance' the sound is as heavy and dramatic as it’s ever been.

'On All Hallows Eve' closes the album in fine style, and you are left with the comfort of knowing you've just heard killing Joke's best album in nearly 20 years. The band is currently on tour, so if you can catch them live, you'd be silly not too. However, if you can't get out to see them in the flesh, get hold of this album, it’s a must hear.

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