Hot Vestry Review

Hot Vestry EP Review
By Kelvin Knight


Hot Vestry Review

Shit man how can you NOT like a band who remind you of DELTA 5 ? The vital bass and drums and wonderful guitar of VARNISH take me back to the days of Delta 5 and the the Au Pairs...........I love this band "Where all ends meet" has a killer bass line and Delta 5/Au Pairs 1980 meets 2013 and with wonderful results....

"waterfall" is a great song but then  "Dead ocean" with its swirling guitars is magnificent the more you listen the more HOT VESTRY draw you in..."Lakeof the moon" has that bass/drum hook you can't resist.....

"Commiserations" closes a great record I recommend it highly and not just because the first track reminds me of Delta 5....


You can listen to the EP here-


& It's available from the Shedhead Records website on Vinyl Replica CD here-

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